Biking her way
The weather was sunny and warm-ish enough on the day Randy and I returned home from our vacation to watch the kids rude their bikes outside. Jordan had to wear the new tutu her grandma bought her while riding. She was having so much fun!
lol – soooo cute
So Cute!
I actually had a question for you. I have been trying to teach Maddie how to pull to stand. Did Jordan do this and if she did were there ways you helped her? I was just curious. I know you said she walked late cause she loved scooting around the house! maddie scoots everywhere:o) I was just curious if Jordan pulled herself us and cruised around furniture and how she did it. Thanks so much!
Hi Heather! Jordan wouldn’t let me teach her anything. The only way I could get her to pull up and stand was to have items or toys that motivated her to climb up and stand at a table or a chair. Push toys were also a good opportunity to help her move forward. She didn’t do any of these things until she wanted to – We did work with a physical therapist who helped me find ways to motivate Jordan. She’s always chosen a way to learn and hit milestones on her own terms. It drives me a little batty!
I can’t believe how much alike our girls are. Mine is only 2 1/2 but well on her way to 18. 🙂
I love this site!! I just started blogging again due to your (and Jordan’s) inspiration!! Thank you!
I love your blog! Thanks for finding us. I can’t wait to keep up with Ashlyn.