Celebrating differences in a political sea of anger

Vote for herFor the majority of my life, I worked as a journalist or when I was younger, I planned to become a journalist. I never talked politics in public and I never talked about who I supported in an election. This was the first time I’ve ever talked about it openly.

As with a lot of my opinions as a parent, I try to step back and let my children make their own decisions and decide who they want to support. As they learned about the candidates for President of the United States, both kids were scared to see the kind of divisive words coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth. They talked about bullies at school who used Trump as a reason to support their tone and treatment toward others on the playground or in the school hallways.

Today, I have to believe good can happen out of the negative tone of this election season. Our children deserve to grow up in playgrounds where kids don’t feel they will be rewarded for being a bully. Our daughters deserve to grow up knowing they have full ownership of their bodies and no one has the right to touch without her permission. Our children deserve to learn about differences without fear. Instead, we should celebrate diversity and learn about different cultures and beliefs.

Election 2016It can happen. It will take all of us to focus on the good.

Last night and this morning, I have comforted a very scared girl. She is worried people who are “different” won’t be protected. I promised her and I promise everyone who reads Born Just Right, that we can support each other. I will continue make sure I share details about services and opportunities that help our families grow and learn. We will support and protect people who are different. We will celebrate differences.

The United States is an amazing country thanks to the many diverse people who live here with different backgrounds, life experiences, and abilities. Let’s keep working together to help our kids grow into confident, able adults. I know Jordan wants to find the good on the other side of this election season. I want to as well. Let’s end the divide and unite for our kids.

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