Cowgirl in charge
Jordan had a super cool opportunity today. She was invited to represent her therapeutic riding center at a horse show by handing out ribbons to the winners.The equestrian event was a fundraiser for the center. Jordan got to hand out ribbons for all kinds of horse riding styles. She loved the power of handing out the awards and she loved seeing and meetings so many horses and horse riders. I planned on being there for two hours, we stayed for four!
By the time we left, she thought she owned the equestrian center. She helped open and close the gates and wouldn’t really listen to anyone without her setting up her own terms. Clearly she missed her nap. Apparently the more tired she gets, the bossier she gets.
That is so cool!! Another way her and Ashlyn are alike…bossiness. I’m not sure who will win that battle when we get them together. *smile*
Speaking of, we are headed to Shriner’s on April 9th (Mother’s Day) for an appointment on April 10th. I know that may not work out for you for us to stop by for a short visit, but thought I’d let you know. I can’t find our last email chain or I would have emailed you directly. We look forward to hearing from you!!
I buy into the tiredness = poorer behavior. Bossiness is new to me; thinking also a sign of high intelligence. Love therapeutic horsebackriding, too.