Getting ready for the big day
Jordan is crazy excited and I’m picking up the house like a banshee for Jordan’s first big birthday party with friends. We’re just three days away from her big day and since we’re having it at our house, I’m focused on things being clean so little girls can run around the house without finding strange piles of dog hair or magazines/catalogues/mail. Jordan has been incredibly focused on helping me with the clean up efforts because she wants to decorate!
So far, here’s the plan for the big Dolphin Tale birthday party. Jordan has a small group of girls from our neighborhood, her school and her old preschool attending. I know she’d love even more people, but I had to cap it at 8 friends. I also told Cameron he could invite a friend or two if he’d like. We’re going to watch the Dolphin Tale movie and if anyone gets bored, I’ll have a table full of Winter the Dolphin-themed coloring pages on a table. During the movie, we’re also going to make dolphin necklaces.
Afterwards we’ll eat Winter the Dolphin birthday cake and let the kids run around and play. I’m also planning to make these little ocean Jello cups.
I don’t know how long the kids will really pay attention to the movie… I know Jordan will want to watch the whole thing, but it’s almost two hours long. We’ll see what happens!
In Jordan’s excitement, she made some Play-doh dolphins to decorate the drawing table and won’t stop begging me to put up streamers around the house. I bought dolphin plates and cups and ocean-related treat bags. I found all of them on the Oriental Trading website. I’ve been keeping track of dolphin-related party ideas on Pinterest… I think I’m going to use the drawing and coloring pages.
If you have any good ideas, send them my way. Also, we’re three days away from the end to Jordan’s big birthday fundraiser! Thanks again to everyone who has been a part of this awesome experience. The Born Just Right world comes together for wonderful reasons.