Giving thanks!
We are enjoying another wonderful family-filled holiday and once again I think it’s worth mentioning how thankful I am for so many things.
First I’m thankful for my kids. Cameron and Jordan are fantastic and challenging kids. They teach me so much about life, love and patience. They are incredible kids.
I’m thankful for my husband Randy. He puts up with my insanity – my constant drive to do everything to the extreme. From running and exercise to my inner desire to be as involved as I can as a parent who also works very hard to do a great job in my career.
I’m thankful for my supportive family. There is so much love and understanding. We’re so lucky to have the support in person, online and on the phone from everyone. I’m especially lucky to have such loving parents and in-laws. I seriously don’t know how we’d be able to do everything we do without their love and support. I’m also a lucky person to have a great brother and a great brother-in-law. They aren’t just good to me, they’re wonderful to the kids. They don’t even know how lucky they are to have such cool uncles. We’re also very lucky to have the kids’ great grandfather, Daddy Jr. He’s amazing and strong and has SO much love for everyone.

I’m thankful for my job that gives me moments here and there whereI can take the time to share our world online. I’m thankful for a job that lets me think and teach and try as hard as I can to make a difference. It’s an honor.
I’m thankful for my readers and my many online friends who I have met in so many different ways. It’s amazing the kinds of support and kindness I have found. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and happy holidays!
Jordan is wearing the same dress that my girls are wearing for Christmas! 🙂
Hooray Target!!