Meet Jordan the triathlete!

That’s right! Jordan and her brother competed in their first triathlon this morning. We’ve been very busy and didn’t actually train for the event, but that didn’t intimidate either kid! Jordan had to swim 25 yards, bike half a mile and run a quarter of a mile. Her brother swam 100 yards, bike 3 miles and run half a mile. What’s really exciting is how they both completed the event… Neither felt nervous or concerned about the experience. I’m so proud.

Jordan was in the youngest group and I put her in a life vest because she hasn’t mastered distance swimming just yet. But she did do an incredible job using her feet to kick and her arms to pull.

Kid Triathlon 2011
The bike portion was a bit tricky. First, I forgot to dry Jordan’s little arm off before I put her arm sleeve on to get her bike helper arm. That delayed our process a bit. Then we had some bike issues. Jordan has a little bike with training wheels. For some reason it totally broke down. About a quarter of a mile into the bike ride her chain fell off. Her bike isn’t the kind of bike that makes it easy to fix a broken chain. I told her to just pedal and steer and I’d push her. To make matters worse, near the end of the bike ride, a pedal fell off!! Amazingly, she finished with a bit of mom support.

Kid Triathlon 2011

Jordan pulled through! She asked me to run the quarter miles with her. So we did it together, holding hands. It was very sweet. I let her run through the finish line all by herself where the announcer said her name and she got a medal. She’s a very proud little girl. She has a very proud brother. We’re very proud parents.

Kid Triathlon 2011

Kid Triathlon 2011


  1. Kelly Snelling on July 24, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    Congratulations to your superstar athletes! Their smiles tell me that they are proud of their accomplishments and they should be! Way to go!

  2. carolina davidescu on July 24, 2011 at 4:59 pm

    you are great, Jordan! wel ldone!!!

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