I am clearly more permissive when it comes to having a second child and dirt. Earlier this week I took Jordan to her brother’s baseball game. It’s rained a lot around here, so the kid play area was covered in puddles. But that didn’t stop Jordan and her friends from playing and playing and eventually sitting in the puddles. By the end of it, she was a muddy mess. And she loved every minute of it… She didn’t even complain when I cleaned it all off later that night!
Oh, this so reminds me of when we went to see Cars and the storm came and the Cam’s went nuts in the mud in your backyard. That was awesome!!!
Oh my gosh… That was classic. It will always be a happy memory in my mind. I honestly don’t know how you and I let that happen again and again and again!
(Oh yeah. We were laughing too hard to stop it!)