She really wants to be a big girl
Jordan is figuring more things out… She’s wiggling and moving around a bit on the floor. Enough floor time to worry my physical therapist — She’s concerned Jordan’s skin may not be able to tolerate some of the textures she’s around. So I kept watch of Jordan’s arm all day. She rubs it on everything and I think the arm changes to red quickly, but today when I stared at it for a while, I didn’t see major redness problems. I hope that’s the case. If her arm does need a rest, we’re going to need to wrap it up for long periods of time. We’ll just have to wait and see.
I took Jordan to school and visited a bit today… She is trying SO hard to play with the older kids in the room. She actually played CATCH! Isn’t that cool. She rolled a ball a couple of times with a friend. Made me very proud.
I’ll be honest. The Mommy in me wants to be around Jordan every second of the day to eat up every baby moment I have left with her. I’m self-centered in this… I’ve allowed her to fall asleep on me a couple of times at school. I just can’t help myself!
I’m exhausted. More details about the girl soon.