Soccer, Party and Football
How can one child have so much excitement in one day? Jordan started the day off in soccer. I swear, it’s amazing to watch her listen and pay attention to her teacher’s instructions. She’s really picking up the mechanics of soccer along with all of the other four year olds on the field. It’s so stunning to see the difference between the retention and listening differences between boys and girls. Since Jordan’s brother is older, I’ve already been in the parental position of jealousy towards the parents of girls because they can follow directions earlier. So… even though living with a little girl involves girl screams and constant requests to wear makeup, I’m happy to watch one of my children listen to instruction at the first request.
Jordan still had a party to go to… She and her brother got to play at a gymnastics gym for an hour. There was a lot of running and jumping and rolling around.

I had to snag the kids from the birthday present opening to get to the season opening game for the Missouri Tigers. We didn’t expect a lot of competition… But I really wanted to go because we didn’t buy season tickets this year. That means when we fall into tickets, we should enjoy them to the fullest. Once the score got to 50-0, we decided we needed to head home. But I think the kids had fun.